Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Major Pharm. (GSK) "donates" 50 million vaccines to developing countries!

GSK giving H1N1 jabs to developing world
Updated: 06:36, Wednesday November 11, 2009

British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline says it will donate 50 million doses of its swine flu vaccine to the WHO to distribute to developing countries.

The drugs company is working with the WHO and health authorities to deliver initial shipments of the H1N1 vaccine by the end of November, it said in a statement.

'GSK is committed to supporting governments and health authorities around the world in their efforts to protect their populations against this pandemic,' said GSK chief executive Andrew Witty said.

WHO director general Margaret Chan welcomed the 'very generous donation'.

'This is a real gesture of global solidarity towards those who would not otherwise be able to have access to the vaccine. WHO will now work to see that these vaccines are distributed to those who need them,' she said.

GSK has also agreed to sell the vaccine to developing countries at a reduced price, the drugs company said, and is in talks with the WHO about a donation of its antiviral medicine, Relenza.

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  1. OMFG - are we really that dumb to think that ANY commercial unit such as big pharm companies are going to DONATE anything to ANYONE unless they either 1) can't get rid of it or 2) need to cut population in these 3rd world countries.

    OMFG - the WHO acts like they are saints... this is absolutely a DISGUSTING show.

  2. Update: GENEVA (AP) -- The World Health Organization said Tuesday it expects drug maker GlaxoSmithKline to complete shipping donations of swine flu vaccine for poor countries by May 2010 -- almost a year after the pandemic was declared.
